SEPA Water Level Data

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The drop down text filters can be used to help to reduce the list of stations to only those that interest you. Applying a filter does not update the content of the other filters so it is easy to filter all stations out of the list. For this reason it is recommended to use only one filter at a time.

Clicking Reset Filter resets all filters and returns the complete list of stations.

Clicking a column heading will sort the rows by that column, click again to reverse the order.

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Station NameCatchmentRiver NameGauge Datum (mAOD)Catchment Area (km2)
Abbey St BathansTweedWhiteadder Water143.0484216.25
AberuthvenEarnRuthven Water25.250
AiryhemmingCreeWater of Luce19.108171
AlfordDon (Aberdeenshire)Don133.154499
AllnabadNaver groupStrathmore21.893105
Allt a' Ghlas-charnaichConon GroupAllt a Ghlas-chamaich259.31.74
AlmondbankTayAlmond (Tayside)20.4174.8
AlmondellAlmond GroupAlmond (Lothian)73.55229
AlnessConon GroupAlness11.95201
AncrumTweedAle Water61.2011174
ApigillNaver groupNaver5.165477
ArbroathEsk GroupBrothock Water6.250
ArbroathTidalEsk GroupNorth Sea-3.19 
Arcan SpillwayConon GroupConon9.65625.1
Ardachy BridgeNessTarff33.06475.9
AriundleLoch Sheil GroupStrontian10.824.6
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